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  3. How many smoke alarms do I need?

How many smoke alarms do I need?

Smoke alarms are an important part of every home, but how many do you actually need?

Smoke alarms (sometimes referred to as fire detectors or alarms) are important for your safety and it is mandatory to have them installed in every household.

Having a working smoke alarm can save lives, as they alert the occupants of a potential fire, giving them time to evacuate, and giving you peace of mind knowing you have steps in place to keep your loved ones safe should a fire break out.

Make sure your family is safe by installing smoke alarms that are in line with Australian Standards (AS) 3786-2014.

Fires can start in many ways and at any time and in any place, but most often they’re caused by problems with electrical wiring, cooking, or heating. A smoke alarm can warn you of a fire before it becomes too dangerous. And that could mean the difference between life and death.


How many smoke alarms do I need in my home?

As of 1 January 2022 new Queensland Government Smoke Alarm Legislation came into effect that every home must have interconnected photoelectric SMOKE ALARMS, what this means is, when one alarm goes off, they all go off, giving everyone extra time to evacuate. All dwellings must transition to full compliance by 2027.

Therefore if you have old smoke alarms you will need to upgrade them!

All dwellings must have hardwired photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms that must be installed in the following locations, and this must be completed by 1 January 2027.

  • In a 2 story home, on each story
  • One is every bedroom - 
  • One in hallways between the bedroom and other parts of the story
  • If there are no bedrooms on a story, at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling.

To calculate how many smoke alarms your home will need:

  • number of stories + number of bedrooms + number of hallways between bedrooms and other areas of the home or likely path out = number of smoke alarms

What is a photoelectric smoke alarm?

They are also known as optical or photo-optical, they can detect visible particles of combustion. Making them more effective in detecting a potential fire.

Call Pugin Power today to have your smoke alarms installed professionally in accordance with Queensland government smoke alarm legislation. Call 1300 150 753 to speak to one of our experienced electrical team or complete our online smoke alarm booking form above.

Reference - https://www.qfes.qld.gov.au/prepare/fire/smoke-alarms